The CTAD Clinic has since inception been supporting nature within our clinic setting, and we have established relationships with local charitable organisations that work tirelessly to rescue, look after and find homes for unwanted or mistreated animals.

If anyone would like to contribute to these charities, anything would be greatly appreciated!
Some of the charities that we regularly support are featured here.


Kelly's Kittys and K9s

Kelly’s Kitty and K9s is one of clinic’s local rescue centres, run by an incredible woman largely on her own, and is where Huckleberry and Mouse came from (rescued colony cats).

To Make a Donation

JustGiving Page

Bank Transfer

Name Kelly’s Kittys and K9s
Bank Lloyd's Bank
Acc No 68262863
Sort Code 30-98-97


Visit their Facebook Page to find out more

Whitegate Animal Sanctuary, Wirral

Whitegate Animal Sanctuary is where we got out first rescue Muscovy ducks.

To Make a Donation